Elementary School Improvement Plan

Finley Elementary School           
School Improvement Plan 2023-2024

Download a print-friendly version of the 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan

School District: Finley School District   
Building Name: Finley Elementary School     
Date: 06/16/2023

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary: Based on a CNA of Finley Elementary School, the school will focus on the growth and achievement of all students with emphasis on MLs and Low Income.
School Goals #1-3:  By the Spring of 2025, we will increase Math, Reading, and Behavior growth and achievement for ELLs and SWD from Aug 2023 to June 2025 as measured by measures of growth and achievement (See list below)

FES Building Goals:


In May of 2023, 59% of K-4 students (179 out of 299 students) were below grade level in reading as measured by i-Ready.  The breakdown is as follows: 21 % ELD, 3% Sped, 2% Sped/ELD and 33% Gen Ed.  
In May of 2024, ELD will drop to 16% and Gen Ed, which includes low income, will drop to 25%  below grade level.
In May of 2023, 42.3% of K-4 students (126 out of 299) students were at or above grade level as measured by i-Ready.  In May of 2024, 10% of these students will exceed their typical growth goal as measured on the i-Ready Reading Fall to May testing.


In May of 2023, 81% of 1st-4th grade (192 out of 236) students were below or significantly below level in math as measured by i-Ready.  The breakdown is as follows: 27% of ELD students, 2.4% Sped, 0.8% ELD/Sped and 49% Gen Ed.In May of 2024, ELD will drop to 22% and Gen Ed, which includes low income, will drop to 39% below or significantly below grade level.In May of 2023, 13% of 1st - 4th grade students (44 out of 236) students were at or above grade level as measured by i-Ready.  In May of 2024, 10% of these students will exceed their typical growth goal as measured on the i-Ready Math Fall to May testing.


In April of 2023, 75% of teaching staff knew the SEL standards existed, 12.1 % believed they could teach the standards and 27% didn’t know what they were or how they impacted student learning.  By April of 2024, 100% of the teaching staff will know that the SEL standards exist, 60% believe they can teach the standards and 60% of teaching staff will know what SEL is and how it impacts students' success in school.

Evidence-based Activities to Meet Goals


Activity 1
Grade teams will work with the ELD team to create units for designated ELD instruction to support WIDA and curricular areas.

Activity 2
100% and 20% meetings reviewing reading data.

Activity 3
To be added in September


Activity 1 
Math instructional coaching contracted through the ESD.

Activity 2 
Grade level teams will determine the end of unit learning standards, scoring criteria, common pre/post summative assessment and at least 3 common formative assessments to measure growth.  This work will be captured on the MTSS Math Google Sheet.

Activity 3

To be added in September.


Activity 1 
Provide PD and support for staff with Zones of Regulation

Activity 2
 Google Survey to gauging present levels of understanding with SEL resources and practices for staff.

Activity 3

To be added in September.

Measuring and Progress Monitoring Goals

Measures of Growth and Achievement (Assessment)


Activity 1
Short-Term: End of ELD unit projects comparing pre/post activity growth (monthly).  Diagnostic     i-Ready data will be analyzed 3 times a year.
Long-Term:  WIDA test results of our ELD students (testing done in February).

Activity 2
Short-Term:  Teachers will compare formative assessments throughout the unit to the pre-assessment given at the beginning of the unit.  Adjustments will be made for students not making adequate progress.
Long-Term: After each of the 3 i-Ready diagnostic tests, grade teams will meet with the Title/LAP teacher to look at each student’s areas of growth.  Students will be identified as needing intervention at this time (100% meeting).  About 6 weeks afterwards, the team will meet again to specifically focus on the intervention students (20% meeting).


Activity 1
Short-Term: Observational data collected by instructional coaches and peers.  This will be done each month the team works with the ESD coaches.
Long-Term: Students will show improvement on the end of unit assessments when compared to their pre-assessment score and will fall in the Developing, Proficient or Exemplary levels.  

Activity 2
Short-Term:  Teachers will compare formative assessments throughout the unit to the pre-assessment given at the beginning of the unit.  Adjustments will be made for students not making adequate progress.
Long-Term:  Students will meet their typical or stretch growth goal as measured by the i-Ready test.  


Activity 1
Short-Term: Staff will be teaching students about the Zones of Regulation in the beginning of the year during RTI time. 
Long-Term:  A student pre/post survey (beginning of the year and end of year) will be given about Zones of Regulation.

Activity 2
Short-Term: This will be a monthly topic during a PLC Wednesday.
Long-Term:  Survey data will be collected from staff in December and in April, comparing the results to the April 2023 data.

Team Progress Monitoring of Goal

Common planning time for grade level teams

PLC meetings 
BCC meetings
Staff meetings

Resources & Funding Focused on Meeting Goals

*PD: Books for Finley Elementary School staff “Zones of Regulation” by Leah Kuypers
*Class time for teaching students about the Zones of Regulation
*Materials and Supplies: Book Study groups
*Time: Timesheets will possibly be needed for those participating outside school day 
*ESD instructional math coaches Mike Esping and Becki Neher
*Substitute costs for math instructional coaching
*Timesheets for the BCC team for planning our PLC activities.
*Timesheets for the 3rd grade team to plan the training for staff on Zones of Regulation
*Google survey for SEL for gauging present levels of understanding with staff